# Issuing API (v3) Migration Guide

When migrating your Issuing client application from v2 to v3 of the Issuing API the following changes should be considered:

# Cargo or supplement tickets

When requesting a Ticket, there is now a possibility to indicate that the ticket is a cargo ticket (also known as supplement ticket). This is done by setting the cargoType field in the CreateTicketRequest to GENERAL_CARGO. The cargoType field is optional and if not set, the ticket will be a regular ticket.

# Group tickets

When requesting a Ticket, there is now a possibility to indicate the number of adults and children in the group. This is done by setting the numberOfAdults and numberOfChildren fields in the CreateTicketRequest. The TicketResponse, FullTicket and ReducedTicket messages will correctly reflect the number of passengers, even if the ticket was created with a v1 or v2 issuing APIs.

The childTicket field is removed from the CreateTicketRequest, TicketResponse, FullTicket and ReducedTicket messages.