Release 508 - 29 June 2023
New features
- In the Product Definition the Tenant can choose to have a product id in the barcode that is different from the Product Code.
- A document was added to the internal documentation listing the VDV Barcode field mappings.
- Documentation was updated to refer to the correct Translink 2D Barcode Layout
- VDV D-Tickets contain fields which are configurable per Tenant. Please update Tenant Configuration after installing this release.
- VDV D-Tickets can now contain anonymized name, birthdate and gender of the traveler. Personalized barcodes are
dynamically generated but not stored. No personal data is stored in TapConnect.
- OrgId of VDV now used as PV (product owner) in a VDV D Ticket.
- Device configuration and notification importer modules were no longer used and are now removed.
- When no products are available for Batch Issuing, a warning is displayed on the Batch Issuing page.
- When not all product types are configured, a warning is shown on page three of the interoperable product definition.
- Products are alphabetically sorted with adding them to a sales group in product management.
Bug fixes
- VDV Ticket "Geschlecht_CODE" was adjusted to implement all possible values.
- The Entitlement Number in a VDV barcode is now the VSAM key usage counter plus a configurable offset.
- Fixed a problem where in some cases API Tokens of Sales Channels could get overwritten.
- Fixed a problem where a barcode could not be retreived immediately after activating a Ticket.